
субота, 31 травня 2014 р.

Final Results from our Java EE 8 Community Survey

In the final phase of our Java EE 8 Community Survey, we asked community members to tell us how they would prioritize among the most frequently requested features from parts 1 and 2 of the survey.
The areas that we selected for this prioritization exercise correspond to those features that received at least 60% “Yes” votes in parts 1 and 2. (For a summary of the results from part 1 and 2, see here.)
Survey participants were given 100 “points” to allocate among these features, as shown below. 

четвер, 29 травня 2014 р.

10 Tips to Improve Programming Skill and Become Better Programmer

1) Coding, Coding and Coding
Why I have coding at top of this list? because it's difficult and same time it's central piece of programming. By doing coding, you also realize your mistakes in designing, error handling, threading and then go back to those respective skill to improve. You just can not work in designing only, coding produce output, which is important to learn and act as success. By the way, do not stop just after solving the problem, it's always better to throw away your first solution, that is just a prototype, your next solution should address issues, missing requirements which you have found building prototype.



It is now a bit more than a year from our 2013 insight into application server market share. To verify whether the landscape has changed during the 14 months we went through the 783 different configurations launching On Demand Plumbr between February and May 2014.
The data was gathered from the bootstrap classpath – so the following statistics is based upon the outcome of queries similar to “grep -i tomcat classpath.log”.
What we discovered is not too different from last year. Out of the 783 environments, we managed to link 623 back to a specific application server.  Those 623 revealed themselves to launch the following containers:
java application server popularity

середа, 21 травня 2014 р.

Java Tools and Technologies Landscape for 2014

Java Tools and Technologies Landscape for 2014 (image gallery) from ZeroTurnaround

вівторок, 20 травня 2014 р.

Java Morning @Lohika Report

В цю суботу, 17 травня, відбулась зустріч Java Morning @Lohika, проведена компанією Lohika за інформаційної підтримки JUG L'viv.  Подія відбулась у ранковому форматі, учасники мали можливість поспілкуватись за кавою про:  

·         «From cache to in-memory data grid. Introduction to Hazelcast» by Taras Matyashovskyy

 «ESB. Mule ESB. From Zero to Hero» by Bohdan Bandrivskyy
Матеріали будуть  опубліковані після JEEConf 2014, 22-23 травня

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понеділок, 12 травня 2014 р.

Manning: Up to half off on your entire purchase--eBook, pBook, or MEAP.

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Manning authors know their stuff because they're plugged into their communities--blogging, speaking, and, of course, coding. Our job is to take all the experience earned by our busy authors and turn it into books that will save you time. Here's a glimpse at the recent activities of three Manning authors, along with an opportunity to add some great books to your collection at a great discount.

Can't get enough practical data science?

Nina Zumel, coauthor of Practical Data Science with R, blogs on data science topics ranging from marketing algorithms to NASA's recent discovery of 715 new planets. Check out these new posts on and
What is Verification by Multiplicity? » Learn about the statistical technique that NASA scientists used to winnow out so many planets from the bulk data.
Popularity and Social Networks: Life is still like high school » Why does it matter how many people follow your blog?
Bandit Formulations for A/B Testing » How big a population do you need to reliably detect a difference to the desired statistical significance?

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Going Reactive with Scala and Akka

Roland Kuhn co- author of Reactive Design Patterns, is taking the Reactive Application message on the road. Roland's just finished talks at JFokus in Stockholm and, along with coauthor Jamie Allen, at PhillyETE in Philadelphia. Next, he's off to BigTechDay, München, 33degree, Krakow, and ScalaDays, Berlin. You can catch his recent webinar "Introducing Reactive Streams" on YouTube.

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Way to go, Carter Sande!

Carter Sande, coauthor of Hello World! Computer programming for kids and other beginners, just took second place in the Alameda County Apps Challenge "hackathon" for his app "isthisbizgreen." (That's Carter's fresh face in the picture.) He also managed to score a student scholarship to Apple's WWDC. Last, but not least, Hello World! was recently voted a winner in the 2014 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards. Looks to us like Carter is just getting started!

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...and everyone's busy updating MEAPs

Storm Applied » Author Sean T. Allen has just posted Chapter 5, "Tuning in Storm."
Oculus Rift in Action » Recent additions by Bradley Austin Davis include Chapter 12, "Using Unity Pro to Create Rift Applications" and updates to chapters 1-4.
D3 in Action » Chapter 5, "Layouts" is now available, fresh from the desk of Elijah Meeks.
Elixir in Action » Sasa Juric finished Chapter 6, "Actors," to be followed soon by Chapter 7, "Fault-tolerance"
Node.js in Practice » read Chapter 10, "The Web: Build leaner and meaner web applications" and Chapter 11, "Debugging: Designing for introspection and resolving issues" courtesy of authors Mark Harter and Alex Young.

BESTSELLERS Week Ending May 8, 2014


  1. Git in Practice 
  2. Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and functional-style programming 
  3. Go in Action 
  4. Functional Programming in Scala 
  5. Chef in Action 
  6. AngularJS in Action 
  7. JavaScript Application Design 
  8. Software Development Metrics 
  9. Getting MEAN 
  10. Big Data 


  1. Learn Windows PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches
  2. Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
  3. Node.js in Action 
  4. Hello World, Second Edition 
  5. Single Page Web Applications
  6. grainger
  7. PowerShell in Depth
  8. OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification Guide
  9. Learn PowerShell Toolmaking in a Month of Lunches
  10. The Art of Unit Testing 

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четвер, 8 травня 2014 р.

Java Morning

Компанія Lohika і JUG L'viv. Запрошуємо вас на Java Morning

Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих випити ранкову каву з користю на Java Morning @Lohika.

Місце: компанія Логіка, вулиця Лемківська 15, конференц-зал, 2 поверх
Час: 17 травня, реєстрація 09:30, початок о 10:00.

10.00-11.00 «From cache to in-memory data grid. Introduction to Hazelcast» Part 1 by Taras Matyashovskyy.
11.00-11.15 Coffee Break.
11.15-12.15 «From cache to in-memory data grid. Introduction to Hazelcast» Part 2 by Taras Matyashovskyy.
12.15-12.30 Coffee Break.
12.30-13.30 «ESB. Mule ESB. From Zero to Hero» by Bohdan Bandrivskyy.

Зареєструватись можна тут

Fridays fun