
понеділок, 29 лютого 2016 р.

#JUGLviv meetup: Bigger and better e-commerce with Hybris

17-го березня відбудеться чергова зустріч JUGLviv. За підтримки компанії Remit  до нас приїде в гості Марко Салонен

Marko Salonen is developer and architect with 10 years of experience from different java based technologies. Last 6 years he has been focusing in e-commerce and mainly SAP Hybris with some large scale installations as architect and lead developer. He is passionate about competence sharing and enjoys working with teams. Currently he lives in Stockholm, Sweden with his wife and 6 month old son.

Bigger and better e-commerce with Hybris

E-commerce is a rapidly growing business and has huge requirements on the whole IT infrastructure of a company. In this talk we talk little bit about e-commerce and mainly focus on SAP Hybris that is one the largest e-commerce platforms in the world. We discuss how the java and spring based architecture can be used to easily extend functionality and to build highly scalable installations.

Дата - четвер 
17-те березня

Місце - готель Львів
Адреса - проспект В. Чорновола, 7

Початок - 19-00

Вхід вільний
Реєстрація обовязкова